IT outsourcing company

A suite of cost-effective technology-enabled solutions based on 15+ years of title insurance support experience with high accuracy service levels, nationwide coverage, and compliant to regulations.

We help agents & underwriters:-
98% accuracy delivered consistently
50% faster property searches
20% reduced operational cost

Powered by 15+ years of industry experience, our Title Insurance support services are trusted by 100+ title & tax agents including 6 of the largest U.S. title insurance underwriters.

Our professionals annually support:

Over 5.1M Title related activities with 0.5M in Title Search & Exam, 3.9M in Typing/ Indexing, 0.6M in Easement Plotting/ Hyperlink and 200K tax and municipal lien certificates.

Obtaining further information by make a contact with our experienced IT staffs.


We’re available for 8 hours a day! Contact to require a detailed analysis and assessment of your plan