IT outsourcing company

The Asset and Wealth Management industry is facing massive disruption – with dramatic changes in investor attitudes, behavior, and expectations, along with a growing demand for digitally enabled services. There's also an expectation of lower fees, pricing transparency, and a greater willingness to switch providers if investor needs aren't met.

TEQT BPS offers solutions to address these challenges, backed by 20+ years of domain experience in Asset & Wealth Management. This expertise is combined with data, analytics, digital tools, accelerators, frameworks, and platforms. These solutions for the front, middle, and back-office have enabled clients to achieve up to 70% cost efficiency and enhanced compliance. Our client base includes 2 Fortune 100 Global Banks, 5 of the top banks in the U.S., and a global provider of investment processing, operations, and asset management solutions that manages, advises on, or administers over $1 trillion in assets.

2500+ Professionals
50,000+ Advisors Supported
20 U.S. & Global Institutions
2 of Top 5 U.S. Broker Dealers
Top Analyst Recommendations
40+ Business Transformations

Obtaining further information by make a contact with our experienced IT staffs.


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